Tri Star Career Compact was well-represented at the recent Ohio Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Conference.
Tri Star administrators Marcia Helentjaris, Julie Schosker, Tim Buschur, Paula VanTilburg, and Brian Stetler attended the three-day conference to learn what is the newest and the latest in the field of career technical education.
This staff didn’t just attend the conference however, three of them were presenters as well. Helentjaris, Tri Star’s Career Awareness and Adult Education Coordinator, and Schosker, Recruitment/Placement Coordinator, made a presentation titled “How One Small Career Compact Uses Their Career Success Monies.” They showcased a variety of career awareness activities Tri Star provides for elementary through high school students in its nine member districts. The pair provided samples, resources, and costs, for the audience to take with them so they could duplicate the activities at their own school districts.
Tri Star’s director, Tim Buschur, was a presenter for the Threat Extinguisher company where he shared how Tri Star has used the Threat Extinguisher system. Also, Buschur and Four Cities Compact Director Bill DiMasio, gave a presentation titled “Worker’s Compensation – Classroom Safety”. The pair explained how Worker’s Compensation played a role in how they handled accidents in their student labs.
Congratulations on a successful conference and for representing Tri Star well.